The best part about bags made in the USA is that you can totally customize the exact bag you need. Not just the printing or logo but everything can be customized. You can have a custom size (we've done everthing from 1½" x 1½" to 30" x 40"). You can change the material color; change the drawstring color; change the stitching color - it's up to you. Plus you get full-color printing! So go ahead - design what you need and Contact Us. We'll help you develop the perfect bag for your application. Check below for some ideas.
Need something that's a little different size? No problem. Because we make the bags right here in Colorado, we can make any size you need. We've done lots of different sizes and even some creative shapes .Contact us and we'll help you get the exact size you need.
Prefer a black string in your white bag. Or a teal ribbon? We can do that! Even two different colors in a double drawstring bag. Just let us know what you need.
Remember old-fashioned 'parts bags'. They always had a red casing stitch with a yellow string. Well, we can make that red stitich any color you like. We're happy to hear you ideas. Just drop us a line and we'll see what we can do.
Want to be really different? How about a red bag. Or a black bag? Or another color. As long a we can find cotton material - we can turn it into a bag. Give us a shout-out and we'll see what we can do.
Got something special to print on the bag. 10-15 colors? A QR code? Ingredient label? Bar Code? No problem. We can do it in up to 16 million colors - no additional charge. Send us your ideas - we love a challenge.
Like glittering gold or shiny silver. For certain products a foil printed bag really stands out. We've got a lot of different foil colors to choose from - send us your artwork and we'll help you design dazzling bags